Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thank you OxiClean!

What a morning! By 9am this morning I was exhuasted and just wanted to crawl back in bed... instead I took Marlena to the beach and now she's sleeping... hopefully for another hour...

We had quite a morning - I think it affected me more than it did her. She was up at her regular time, 6:30 am and we had breakfast at about 7am. Once Marlena has had her breakfast I get to eat mine. This morning my breakfast was oatmeal with frozen blueberries (can you see where this is going yet?). Marlena has a new habit (thanks to Don) of crawling onto our laps to check out what we're having for breafast. She seems to like Don's fried eggs on Saturdays and Sundays. She seemed pretty interested in my oatmeal and so I sat down with her on a single chair. At some point she lost her balance and grabbed for my oatmeal, or else she grabbed for my oatmeal and then lost her balance - either way, she, and the oatmeal with the now melted blueberries went flying backwards. She landed on her back, on the biege carpet and with blueberry oatmeal on her and all around her. Then a glob landed on her right eye. Fortunately I had already mixed the blueberries into the oatmeal so the oatmeal wasn't that hot. And the blueberry juice was not concentrated... still it was a mess. Once I couldn't take care of right away because I had a screaming daughter on my hands who needed to be comforted. So I hugged her, rinsed her off, peeled off my own blueberry oatmeal-stained pjs, showered, set her in front of the TV with a Baby Einstein video and surveyed the damage... Chair and carpet. Purple oatmeal and blueberries, not quite everywhere. Not on the wall, only the carpet. So I scraped off the oatmeal. Mixed up some OxiClean in a spray bottle, but then the sprayer didn't work. So I liberally sloshed it onto the carpet. Many squares of paper towels later, the carpet looks pretty clean. Fortunately it's also really warm at the moment, so it dried pretty fast, too.

Thank you OxiClean.