So it's been a while since I've posted... Looking at the date of the last post, I must have gotten pregnant shortly thereafter, and now, we're about 2 months away from the expected due date of our next child.
What have we been doing since Christmas? Well, I've been torturing Don by re-arranging our bedroom and living room. He's had to move our old entertainment unit our of our bedroom, then help move it so the house of the people who bought it off us. He's also had to move some shelves, again to people who bought it off us. He also was responsible for putting together Ikea shelves... with some haranguing from me, I'll admit. Putting Ikea stuff together is a true test of your relationship... Fortunately ours survived and our bedroom is much nicer for it. In fact, I'm sitting at the little desk in our bedroom and typing this while Marlena wipes down the crib for Wolfred - well the Pack'nPlay.
I managed to get that set up today, a huge relief. I'm not nearly as prepared for this little guy as I was for Marlena. But, now that I have a place for him to sleep, all I really need to do now is wash the bedsheets I have and the clothes I have.
Marlena has experienced some changes in her life too. She has moved out of her crib, quite successfully, I might add. I let her pick out the sheets she wanted from the huge selection I used. Did have to buy fitted sheets, tho', the ones I had, the elastic was done for. Anyway, she decided not to go for the brightly colored bedsheets, no, she has to choose the black and white geometric patterned one. And is pleased as punch with her new bed. Going down in the evening was easy-peasy. Getting her to not to look at books, open and close shutters, and just generally play, when being put down for her afternoon nap wasn't quite a easy. What did help, though, was that she caught a cold and didn't sleep very well one night. The next day she was ready for her nap and when down without too much trouble. Since then I haven't had to move her from her big bed back to the crib for her nap. After her nap, or when she wakes up in the morning, she opens the door to her bedroom and comes to ours and asks to climb in. Only once has it been too early. I'm sure it'll happen again, but until then, it's really kind of cute. She brings her dolls and a few books, and if it's the weekend, Don gets to entertain her.
Here's another picture of Marlena in her big girl bed...
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