Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Getting Ready For Baby

We're going to our first baby class today - Getting Ready For Baby. It's supposed to cover things like basic parenting skills, infant nutrition and home safety issues. It's a 2 part series with today being the first part. The 2nd part will be taught by a pediatrician. Maybe we can ask the pediatrician about the Amby Baby Motion Bed ( that we've been considering. Seems like a nice alternative to a traditional crib... but it's on the expensive side.

Don has decided to come, which was a nice surprise. He has held the opinion that he already knows everything there is to know and doens't need to be taught anything! And what he doesn't know, he's wants me to tell him - which is all fine and dandy except he never accepts/believes what I say and needs to either figure it out by himself, or have it confirmed independently. We were recommended to take this class, as well as the others (Hospital Orientation, Childbirth Prep and Breastfeeding) by one of the midwife nurses at the obstetrician's office.

It's all still so unreal that I'm having a baby. I'm much bigger (I know we have to put pictures up for everyone to see) and the baby is starting to move. I'm carrying the baby differently from the way Lise, my friend, is carrying hers. Her baby is more spread around her upper and lower abdomen. My tummy is definitely bulging in the lower quadrant. Kind of like the picture I saw of a pregnant Heidi Klum the other day. She had a boy. According to folk wisdom, the way you carry your baby is indicative of sex. If you carry high, you'll have a girl, low a boy. This seems to have been true for Todd and Liz (Don's cousin and his fiancee). Liz said she carried Isabella higher up. Seems to have also been true for Heidi Klum. I still think the baby will be a boy.

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