Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hello, Nice to meet you, Goodbye....

That was how my last obstetric appointment felt like. I met the last doctor in the practice - I believe she was one of the founders - I felt like she couldn't get me out of the office fast enough! Didn't like that at all. She was nice enough, but, well a little more time would have been nice. I guess my pregnancy is pretty straight-forward, no complications (knock on wood) so she didn't feel she needed to take the time. She did tell me that I'm reaching the limit of the weight I'm supposed to gain. I've supposedly gained 30 pounds already and weighed in at 170 pounds (only 30 more and I'll weigh as much as Don). She told me I could only gain 5 more pounds otherwise the baby is going to be too big.

I don't think so.

I'm pretty sure at least 10 - 15 pounds of the weight I've gained so far has been packed on to my hips, thighs and butt and my arms... not to mention my milk machines. The cause? Well, I haven't exactly been holding back on the chocolate, ice-cream and Nestle chocolate milk. I'll admit I've been eating more, a lot more, than I normally would. Combine that with the fact I no longer work out regularly (do I ever miss Tori) and it's pretty much no surprise that I've gained so much weight. I did read, in my Lamaze Childbirth book, of a study conducted in Finland that showed that babies whose mothers ate chocolate during pregnancy were happier babies than those whose mothers didn't eat any chocolate. I'm going to have a very happy baby.

I'm also pretty sure my hips are getting wider. They're getting ready to let the baby move through the birth canal and all my joints are loosening up. The reason I think so is because at night I wake up because my hips are sore... It hurts to move. Fortunately moving makes it go away, it's just getting going until the hurt stops. I think that has been my biggest complaint when sleeping. The baby is pretty quiet during the night and doesn't wake me up. I do have to go to the bathroom often, but that's not a big deal. My hips hurting, though. That I don't like. And the fact I feel like a hippopotamus when I change positions in bed. I have to get up on my hands and knees to move.

But I've found a pretty comfortable way to sleep. I have 4 pillows. Two under my head. One under my stomach for support. One wedged behind my back for support and to prevent me from rolling over on my back. Also, that pillow against my back lets me rest against it without being flat on my back in an alternative sleep position to on my side. So I think I'm doing pretty good sleep wise.

Actually, I really have nothing to complain about. My pregnancy has been uncomplicate (knock-on-wood) and pretty comfortable. I may look huge, but I don't feel huge. And I'm not waddling yet.

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